She rides on this thing as fast as she can and slams into the refrigerator.
She loves to pose for the camera.
Watching the planes. Ugh, dirty face.
Fight moves.
So, I am getting creepy comments on my blog and so now I have blocked everyone from being able to see it. It is purely for me and for me to print someday so that the kids will enjoy it. My only fear is that I won't keep up on it, but now that I have figured out my camera I think it should be easy. This post will be about Savannah since she is now not a baby anymore and more into the toddler stage. She is 19 months now and getting to be really fun. She is still pretty feisty and she really will NOT say much of anything, but she communicates okay for not using any words. She has started saying MAMA for me and she says that a lot and last week I heard her say MORE when asking for more food, or stories. I am hopeful that it will come, but I am thinking about speech therapy in the future if she does not improve. That is my biggest frustration with her, but it also give her a really unique personality that I love. So, I'm sure it will all work out, but until then....
Right now, she is becoming really independent. She LOVES LOVES LOVES stories and could look at books all day long. She can point to many animals and is starting to say MOO for cow. She is getting better at the screaming thing. For awhile there she screamed about EVERYTHING, but she is getting more friendly with others and starting to be able to express herself more. She loves me and I love that. She gets really shy and is totally girly when it comes to strangers or any new situation. She loves Jack and wants to be just like him.
She is strong and big. I took her to the doctor and she was in the 97% for height... 60% for weight. Jack was as tall as her, but she is a bit heavier than he was. It's the love of sugary things!! :) I am looking forward to having more one on one time with her while Jack is at school. She really is at my most favorite age EVER!!
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