Saturday, July 25, 2009

Jack Turns 3!!!

Enjoying his ice cream and "The Bees" :)

His transformer

His face when he saw the decorations.

His presents from Mom and Dad.

The Decorations or as Jack says, "My birthday house."

Jack turned 3 on July 7th. It was a really fun week and he had a lot of fun. It was the first bday that he knew it was something special and that he was the reason it was special. We didn't really do anything very exciting on his actual bday. Jason and I did decorate the main floor of our house for him and he got a chocolate muffin for breakfast. We also gave him his presents (transformers, a car mat, and some cars). We then went to the gym and then the pool with some of his friends. He looooves the pool. That night, Jason and I took him to Leatherby's for ice cream and such. I think he pretty much thought that was the best place ever.

The next night we had family over for cake and he got some more presents. The cutest thing was when he was pretending to fly around in the cape that he got from his friend Belle. Overall, it was a low-key bday, but so fun. It was fun to devote a day to our boy and remember back three years to when we were blessed with him.

Jack-- You are the cutest three year old that I know. I wouldn't know what to do without you. You brighten everything you are a part of and our family is no different. At three years old, you are into:

-- Buzz and Woody
-- All your other shows.
-- Flying around and webbing people.
-- Helping daddy with everything and being a big boy.
-- Swimming
-- Reading, but telling me that I have to do the words.
-- Coloring and your church class.
-- Transformers
-- Your friends
-- Your grandpas and boys in general.
-- The minute you turned 3 you learned how to get out of your bed and we got a nightly visitor for about week. You seem over that now.
-- You are very independent and want to do a lot of things on your own, but still say that you are too little for some things.
-- You are learning to dress yourself.
-- Dad says you are just the cutest thing in the world and I agree.

We loooove you to pieces and are so blessed to have you in our family. I am so excited to see you as a big brother, (he told me the other day to take the baby out so that he could play with it.) You constantly are kind and loving to everyone you meet and everyone tells me that you are the nicest and most polite boy that they know. I love being your mommy!! Happy Bday!!

Love, Mom (PS: Also, since you turned three, you have turned into a little sass, but it kinda makes you cuter. I have to remind myself to really discipline you!)

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