She is rubbing at her eyes.
The Goods.
We went to Fetal Fotos to find out what we were having when I was pregnant with Jack. It was a really fun experience and I was hoping to do it again this time around, but wasn't sure because of lack of funds and the fact that my doc is doing my medical ultrasound in about three weeks. So, I thought, I can wait three weeks right??? I don't need to spend the money if I am going to find out for free in a few weeks. WRONG! It was killing me that I knew that I could find out at 15 weeks and it was just a phone call away. So, I broke down. We actually went last Saturday to find out. I was only 14 weeks, but we tried to push our luck. Luck would not be pushed. The baby was so closed up and tight around "the area" that there was no way that we could see what it was.
At Fetal Fotos they let you come back as many times as it takes to figure out the gender. We made an appointment for today because Jason had the day off and so it was going to be perfect. We got there and I was so excited to find out! We got in there and the tech set to work and what do you know?? The baby was cross legged and closed up AGAIN! We tried for a minute and then the tech had me roll onto my side. Still no luck. She left again and I got up and actually ran in place and prodded at my stomach and laid back down on my side. Still no luck. So, she left again and I literally stood on my head and prodded my stomach some more. A little more luck. The baby was moving around at least and just when we thought we might catch a glimpse.... the CORD WAS RIGHT IN THE WAY!!!! AUGH! I had a really nice tech and she kept at it... moving that ultrasound thing around... pushing on the baby.... to the point that the baby actually moved away from us so it was back facing. After awhile of that, the tech said... "Oh, we are so close!" I asked her if she had a guess and she said that she did. About a minute later she said... "Okay I am sure, 100%... See these three lines....? ITS A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I am sooo excited!! I have wanted a girl forever! Before we even knew we were pregnant, Jason said something about us having a girl and I just knew right then that it was going to be a girl. It is so fun to actually have feelings like that and know that you were right. Jack and Jason are really excited as well. I love my Jack and I am so happy that I now will have one of each. He will be a great big brother! The first thing he said was..."Dad, will she know how to build rocket ships out of blocks???" HAHA! Jason had to tell him that she wouldn't but that he could teach her and he thought that was really cool. I am so happy to have one of each and to be able to experience being the mother to a daughter. I just am soo blessed with this family of mine. I love my KIDS!
I feel bad that no one has left a comment on your BIG announcement! I am so excited for you to have a little girl. Boy are you going to have your hands full, especially if she gets that Hunt attitude that you and your sisters have!! Ha ha just kidding. I love you to death and wish that you would come and visit me before the weather prevents it!
You are such a great mom! I'm excited for you. Every mom needs one of each!
It's funny how you just know, huh? Even though we didn't find out until the day she was born, I had the feeling we were having a girl throughout the entire pregnancy. Congratulations! Girls are so fun!
Erin, that is so funny!! I know I already talked to you, but I really am SO SO excited for you!!! Girls are wonderful, sweet, dramatic, and oh so fun!!! You will love it!
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