Monday, March 23, 2009

Almost Got That Leprechaun!

We have a Leprechaun come visit us every St. Patty's Day. He turns the eggs and the milk green and leaves golden coins all over the house. This year, I found out that our neighbors were building a trap to catch the Leprechaun and I thought that was a great idea to get Jack into the whole thing. So, we came home and set a trap ourselves. We hung a net from the ceiling and placed a yummy cookie in there as a distraction. Jack was really excited to wake up and see if we had caught anything. Unfortunately, the little guy got away, but we managed to catch his hat and some gold dust. The milk was still green and we got plenty of chocolate money. Maybe next year... we will have to think of something more sneaky! :)

1 comment:

Cam said...

That is such a cute idea- I think that would be a fun tradition. I forgot it was St. Patricks, I was hoping to make little footprints in the bathroom (putting green dye in the toilet), and then also sprinkling glitter and coins around the living room- but I totally spaced it. But I love the trap idea and I hope you don't mind if I steal it next year.