Thursday, January 15, 2009

So Long Contacts...

Blah. I went to the doctor on Tuesday and he took a look at my eyes. Good news is that my eyes are getting better and I can see much much better. I can't believe how bad it had gotten. You never really appreciate something until it is not working properly. Anyway, bad news... my little line didn't work on him. I doubt I will ever get a prescription for contacts from him again... I guess I could try another doctor... :) But, I probably won't He said that if this keeps happening I will eventually have to have a cornea transplant and I don't want that... so, I guess my vanity will have to suffer. I feel like I need a whole new sense of style with glasses... we will see what I come up with until I can afford Lasik. That is now a necessity!

We are off to St. George for the weekend!! WOO HOO!


Cam said...

You'll have to let me know what's going on with your eyes so I can see what my husband has to say about it, he's about 4 months away from graduating optometry school. He is supposed to be getting lasik on saturday, so maybe he'll have a better informed opinion about the surgery we could pass along as well. :) Good luck!

Kathie said...

So your line didn't work on him?! That's a bummer but atleast you'll be avoiding a transplant in the future! You look cute in glasses so you really don't have anything to worry about!

Kimberly said...

What's in St. George? Well, Grandma, obviously. But what takes you there on this particular weekend? I want to be there too.

Cam said...

It's too bad you don't live in Oregon- during January Kevin could've gotten a friends/family discount that would've made lasik $600 per eye. Kevin's bill was nearly $5000, but then he got a 100% discount, so $1200 is a great deal. Although, just from the info you put on the blog, he's guessing you're not a good candidate for lasik since you're having problems with your corneas, but you never know, it's worth looking into.