Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam!

Jack is now a Sunbeam in Primary!! That is so crazy to me. We have been talking to him about going to another class for awhile and when we got to church he marched right past the nursery into the primary room. His teacher was great and he loves her already. They said that he did really well. He came home wanting to give talks and singing new songs! I am so proud of that kid. He is such a wonderful joy to me. I love him more and more as time goes on. He is kind and nice and just a genuinely good person, you can tell. I am sad to see him grow up... but so excited to see the person he will become. Ah, I love being a mom!!


Kimberly said...

Such a mile stone day. Congratulations!

Erica said...

Good Crimeny! I can't believe it. So if we were living in the same ward Landon and I would now be Jack's primary teachers! We got the calling a month ago but because we were in Utah we haven't taught yet. Tomorrow will be our first Sunday teaching Sunbeams. I am so sorry that we weren't able to get together. I got your Christmas card when we got home. I can't believe you're going to have a BABY! Good Luck. I love ya girly. Happy New Year. Give me a call some night- My Hard drive crashed so I don't have email right now.. I am at the mercy of when Landon isn't using his computer. Which isn't very often. Love ya,