Monday, June 29, 2009

Goodbye June...

One of our delightful FHE treats. I recommend it.

Family movie night. I think we watched Aladdin.

I always wait and wait to post and then they just add up. I just spent about an hour figuring out all my pictures and deleting the 69 that Jack had taken on my camera. They were good shots, let me tell you. I'll spare you the details. Anyway, I can't believe that June is on the way out. A few things about June 2009:

I can't believe that Michael Jackson DIED!! I am more upset about that then I should be.

I can't believe that Jillian is keeping Wes around. She is so stupid! Is anyone else watching?? I really thought I wouldn't be sucked in again, but what can I say?? Those guys are cuties! I do like Jillian, but she is a dummy for keeping Wes around.

I can't believe that we got so much rain this month and I loved it! Seriously, so much rain.

I can't believe how big Jack is getting... He turns three in one week. :( Sob.

Anyway, that pretty much sums up the month. We have had a lot of fun: movies nights, Lagoon (more in a minute), the zoo and good desserts. Looking forward to July and the POOL!

1 comment:

KatieKaseyBrielle said...

I love that you are sad about M.J. too!!! The weirdest thing, when I was in KY my mom, Arien and I watched the Michael Jackson History videos one afternoon, just for old times sake. We found out that died that same night!! CRAZY! Looks like you are having a fun summer!