Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!

Aren't I the luckiest girl in the world to be the mom of this cutie?! I can't even describe the joy that this little face brings me. Jack is now almost three years old and every time I think about that I almost cry!! There was a day, not long ago, when I was wishing him to grow up and get easier to deal with and now that he is a little person and not a baby and I am having such a hard time!! I love him more and more with each day and just want to hold onto him forever. It terrifies me to think about sending him out into the world and in just a few months I will have to start doing that little by little. He will start preschool and then soccer and piano and then regular school and before I know it, he will be grown up. I never thought I could love someone so much. I am so blessed to be a mother and I can't wait to have another little person to love and to give Jack a sibling.

Things that I love about Jack, our almost 3-year old!!
-- He loves his shows and could watch TV all day. Lately, he loves Dora and Backyardigans, but if something is "not nice" or "mean" he won't watch it.
-- He loves his friends and is starting to play so cute with them.
-- He is friendly to everyone and a great sharer.
-- He doesn't like to make people sad and tries to make everyone feel better.
-- He loves his "B's".
-- He loves to go on walks and get a slurpee and go to the park with me. We try to go about once a week.
-- He loves Zoe and asks for her first thing in the morning.
-- He loves his daddy and playing with both Grandpas.
-- He is learning to count with his fingers and is always practicing. He also knows that he is two, but will be three soon.
-- He loves to read books and sing songs. We go to the library about once a week and check out about 15 books at a time. He requests three books and songs a night.
-- I love singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with him.
-- He knows his ABC's and can count to 10.
-- He loves his class at church and learns so much there. He can sing all the songs and knows that Jesus loves him.
-- He loves to say prayers by himself, and do basically anything by himself.
-- He talks ALL THE TIME and loves to have conversations.
-- He likes to help with anything he can from feeding the animals to painting to helping me mow the lawn.
-- The first thing he says in the morning is "Hi Mom... what are you doing?"
-- He loves cereal in a cup and chocolate milk.
-- He loves his "running shoes," really just Nike sandals, but won't go to the gym without them.

I could go on and on and on. We just love him to death and am sooo grateful to have him in our family. I am honored to be his mommy. I can NOT get enough! ( Sorry if this post was dull, more of a journal post for me.)

1 comment:

KatieKaseyBrielle said...

Oh my gosh Erin, that picture of Jack is to die for!!!! So CUTE!!! You need to submit that picture to a magazine or something! Sounds like you had a great time at Wicked!