So, Jack has seen
Las Vegas! I don't know if he is too young to go there or not! I took him down with me and my friend Kathie this past weekend. I was a little worried to take him all by myself, but I really felt like I needed that time with him, just him and me. I shouldn't have worried. He was the ideal baby the whole time. He slept like an angel, went everywhere and didn't even need all of his naps to keep him happy. I am really glad that I brought him! We stayed with Kathie's sister and did a lot of fun things. But it was mainly nice to not have to clean and let Jason handle all of our mortgage/moving stuff!
We did a few major things: we first went to the Body Museum at the Tropicana. It was AMAZING! I don't know if everyone has heard of that or not but it is a display of real human bodies that allow us to see the muscles, skin, brain, veins, etc.
Bascially everything in the body... I have now seen! My favorite part was the baby area because we were able to see embryos as young as 3 weeks, and everything else to do with making babies! It is just so crazy how our bodies work.
We also hit the fountains at the
Belligio, the Cheesecake Factory and the mall. It was nice to hang around and relax! Thanks to Kathie for taking us with her!