Thursday, September 9, 2010


That's me. Since having two kids, I am findings that I have less and less time to do ANYTHING!! I am still trying to get all my ducks in a row and time just keeps going too fast! I can't believe that it is already September. Jack starts his second year of preschool tomorrow. We went to his open house a few days ago and it will be so much fun for him. He is losing his BF Coleman this year, but there are a lot of fun boys in the class. I hope that he will make lots more friends. It is a weird time for me. He is growing up so fast and I am entering into a phase where he will be around me less and less and with his friends more and more. There have been weeks where he has been at a friends house (or vice versa) everyday of the week. I am so excited to watch him grow and develop, but it is a little sad to lose some of that control. I just always hope I can be there for him and let him go gracefully.

Summer has come and gone and I'm sad that I haven't taken more pictures. We enjoyed swimming lessons for a full month (Jack is great at it and was really catching on the last week of his class. I hope he remembers everything for next year). We had birthdays and boating... fires and friends. We didn't make it camping this year or anything because... We are going to DISNEYLAND next weekend!! WOO HOO! Jack has been counting down for weeks and weeks. He is so excited and I am so excited because this will be our first trip as a family, just the four of us. We are in desperate need. We went to the zoo and the library, had swimming parties at our house and lots of friend time. I am sad to see the summer go, but more excited for the fall.

Savannah is almost seven months now and she cut two teeth last week and also started crawling. She is the perfect crawler and very methodical about it. Still a little slow, but she can get around. She continues to be the perfect baby and hasn't even woke up during the night with her teeth. The only reason I knew they came in was because I happened to feel them in her mouth. She looooves bath time and kicks and laughs the entire time. She loves Jack and he loves her. He is anxiously waiting for the day when she starts following him around. I love her to death and can't believe how lucky I am to have these kids of mine.

As for me and Jason, we have been working a lot to try to pay for Disneyland and car problems and new running shoes etc... Jason has started doing some property management stuff on the side and that will hopefully give us a bit more money during a month. money seems so scarce and there are so many things I want/need! (but, mostly want). I went to Target today and literally had to pull myself away from Halloween decorations (a sparkly skeleton that was so cute... I will probably go back and get it). I am feeling very scattered lately and have been a big fan of writing down my daily tasks to get done. I am inspired by a friends blog to create a list of goals for the rest of the year. She is doing 30 before she turns 30... so maybe I will have to do 29 before 29... I am going to put it together and then post it so that I am held accountable. I think that will help me feel more in control of my life. :) I am loving this weather (cooler), loving my family... can't wait for fall TV shows and the final season of Oprah. I am excited for the new school year and the holidays coming up. My sister Kris to have her baby and for me to continue to watch my babies grow. What a great time of life this is. Hopefully, I can get better about posting and taking pictures... but first, DISNEYLAND!!!